Landfill Gas Design & Operations Support
Our gas system design philosophy is based on maximizing gas collection with readily-constructible well and header layouts that minimize operational and maintenance issues.

Air Permitting & Compliance
Let our air permitting experts guide you through one of the most complicated and least understood aspects of the landfill industry today. We work closely with you to address today’s requirements without compromising tomorrow’s opportunities.

Groundwater Permitting & Compliance
Your objective is a monitoring program that is protective of groundwater, meets regulatory requirements, and minimizes false positives. We have the experience and skill to economically meet your objectives while avoiding the pitfalls of a poorly designed program. Our guiding philosophy for your groundwater monitoring program is to keep it up to date and out ahead of potential problems. We will not allow the little issues to accumulate into big problems.

Landfill Engineering & Permitting
Failing to design with the long term in mind can doom you to difficult operations, expensive construction, and limited expansion opportunities while poor permitting can stall construction, increase costs, and start you off on the wrong foot with your neighbors. Our team has designed and permitted dozens of landfills nationwide that have set our clients up for success today, tomorrow, and the coming decades.

Landfill Impact Investigation & Remediation
Investigation and remediation of groundwater impacts, odor control and odor mitigation

Closed Site Management & Optimization
Closed site support and management and release from post closure.

Civil Engineering & Construction Services
From commercial and residential subdivision to road and intersection design, EIL has the experts to handle your civil engineering needs.

Expert Witness
Environmental Information Logistics has experience serving as an expert witness in states all across the country.